Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It doesn't take much to figure out what President Obama will discuss in his State of The Union address tomorrow. Plans to freeze spending has already been leaked, and I strongly suspect intentionally to test public opinion. This is another attempt to appease conservative criticism and as usual it won't work. I for one, am just about ready to part company with the Democratic Party. Who wants to be associated with a watered down version of the republican party? This of course would force me into a political wilderness, because the way I see it, conservative ideology has no place in the modern world and although independents are often the deciding factor in presidential elections, they are typically low information voters (which I am not). Many young, first-time voters were enamored with Obama's message of change and if they are paying attention to what is shaping up to be an astounding lack of change, they must be feeling some disappointment right about now.

If I didn't have to go to work Thursday, I might be willing to do shots of tequila every time the President mentions "bipartisan support," "counter-terrorism," or some other tactic designed to divert our attention away from the fact that the middle-class in this country are very much like our manufacturing base which was once the envy of the world - "shrinking." But President Obama alone, is not responsible for squandering away the significant majorities in the house and senate; it takes several conciliatory democrats to do that. It is time for President Obama to stop pandering to his critics and drifting to the right; even after losing the White House, the senate and congress, republicans still seem to be framing every important debate.